So, as everyone already knows, Alex is staying at my mom & dad's for a couple of days while we get our wits back.. Last night, I get this email "from" my little dude: Hi Mommy and Daddy I just went to bed like a good boy and nanny said she was going to send you some pictures of me. Nanny really wanted me to pass out tonight, cause she gave me this little bottle and it had a funny taste, I think it was RUM!!!! Boy did that taste Yummy!!!!!Anyhow I hope I wake up in the morning cause I know I am going to pass out just from the fumes lol. I miss you mommy and daddy, can't wait to see you tomorrow. The scratches on my face, I did allllll by myself, so don't blame nanny, her and popeye are treating me really nice. See you soon I love and misses you. Love Alexander P.S. Mommy please don't forget my snot snucker, I have boogers!!! HAHAH. It includes this picture: So.. I was going to go pick him up today, but the weather did not co-operate and I'm leaving brig...