i survived.
i went to work today. it was hard, but i survived. i work for an incredible place that has been more than understanding about what we went through. they have been incredible. from organizing the catering for the reception, to giving mark a month off with pay, to getting us a hand carved urn for jenna's ashes, i couldn't ask for a better workplace.
it was really nice to be back to be around my co-workers, but hard to face my regular customers. i teared up a couple of times, but nothing that a walk away didn't cure.
right now i'm in organizing mode for the move... and its' race week in chester so i'm sticking close to home.
it was really nice to be back to be around my co-workers, but hard to face my regular customers. i teared up a couple of times, but nothing that a walk away didn't cure.
right now i'm in organizing mode for the move... and its' race week in chester so i'm sticking close to home.